• Interior design is the art and science of understanding people's behavior to create functional spaces that are aesthetically pleasing, and not necessarily within a building. At Bonsai, we think critically and design interiors in relation to the human bodies and their physical and spiritual senses.

  • Lighting design is the art and science of lighting the human environment. At Bonsai, we bring our best knowledge in the natural sciences, the social sciences, as well as technology and engineering so our clients can get the best expertise in physics of light as well as the physiology and the psychology of light perception by humans.

  • We schedule an in-person or virtual meeting to learn more about your project, visit the site, and within 48 hrs we follow up with a personalized offer organic to your needs.

  • Prices vary based, but not limited to, factors like location, brief, or the desired timespan for the completion of work.

  • Whether you have your ideas clear or just getting started we got your back. We've simplified the complexity of the services a designer offers into three simple and intuitive packages: Standard, Pro, and Double.

  • A design process can make you feel overwhelmed with things like measurements, purchasing, installation, or project management. We can handle everything for you while still having your voice heard so you can focus only on the artistic part of the process.

  • We've purposefully crafted a "Client Brief" that works like magic. A set of short questions handpicked from working with clients like you. There you answer, write, and share every picture, concern, or idea you love to address or feature inside the space of your dreams. And If anything doesn't match up, we go back to the drawing board and make it up for you.

  • We welcome input from our clients and ultimately want them to love everything. If we find that someone has trouble trusting the process, it can really complicate things.

    Clients who have trouble making decisions or are unwilling to trust and commit to the decisions they have hired the designer to make, will ultimately cause costly delays and will hinder the designer creatively.

  • We look at the possibilities of things that will offer you new experiences and opportunities, challenge you to make a difference, and allow you to express yourself as a member of a community.

  • We’ve been working with clients, artists, and creators from all over the world, including cities like New York, Shanghai, Seoul, Zürich, Florence, and Tirana, among others. Our creative team of artists and designers with backgrounds in interior, product design, lighting design, and architecture, and with an overgrowing community of collaborators with artists from every design field makes Bonsai an ecosystem offering unique and creative solutions that will forever transform the way you experience products, buildings, and interior spaces.

  • Our studio is based in Tirana, Albania, and New York, U.S., but has been active around the world lately. With an evergrowing community of partnerships, including cities like Zürich, Shanghai, and Seoul, Bonsai offers their design services across three continents.

  • If you’re living outside Tirana, or New York, we can still work for you and make possible to offer you our design services but please be aware that costs may escalate easily as the distance may require a full day of work just to visit the site.

  • The short answer to that is Yes. We’ve been active around the world recently, and with an evergrowing community of partnerships with artists, including cities like Zürich, Shanghai, and Seoul, Bonsai offers their design services across three continents. We even have a service to accommodate that complexity with a beautiful design experience that is just as easy as any other service, and without adding any complexity.

  • Based on the service and design package you choose and that best suits your vision, we’ve made it easier and faster for you to get a feeling on what they are and what’s included.

  • We start by scheduling a meeting, in-person or virtually, followed up by a site visit where we get a better understanding of the current situation that the space is located and the potentials it offers. Finally, within 48h, we get back with an estimated offer and a feature overview of the selected design package for you to review.

  • You get a feeling on how it’s like to work with us, and we get to better understand what is the goal you’re trying to achieve. Based on that we carefully craft an offer to support you along the way. If it’s the offer that makes you heart sing then we have a deal! And in case it’s not what you’ve been searching for then it’s all good. You don’t owe us anything.

  • We offer creative solutions in the full spectrum of art and design disciplines. And with an obsession on creative process and critical thinking we look at the possibilities of things, to suggest and make new and innovative interior spaces.

  • Bonsai was born from the desire to challenge and support people, artists, and creators all over the world. We try to “Make places people would love to be” so they can live a happy life and hopefully make the most of it. And with a shared commitment to creatively and critically address the complexities of life in the 21st century, we try to explore the many characters and qualities that make up a city’s urban interior spaces.

  • Storytelling. The story behind objects, places, and people is what drives our creative process. Visual is important to us of course, but so is intention and background.

  • We don’t have any favorite color, everything’s fine really. If the client likes pink we like pink too.

  • The main advantage is that no matter what size your space is, it will be maximized and all furniture positioned in a way that works. Our experience means we will consider every need and leave nothing to chance. Starting with a plan means you will know what the result will be and ensure nothing is forgotten.

    Another advantage is to ensure you are not going to waste money on needless building work that will not enhance or improve the space.

    Also, we make sure you get it right the first time. It’s surprising how many people have acted on bad advice and spent money in the wrong areas.

  • We understand that many of them may have concerns about the pandemic situation and its impact on Bonsai's preparedness to deliver in a timely manner. We want to assure them that our Atelier is committed to completing all new and on-going projects within a reasonable timespan, and also in being as flexible as possible with the pricing of our services.

    We’re offering different financial aid opportunities in order to give any prospective client peace of mind, and hopefully will allow them for a future opportunity to meet with us.

    This is an ideal time to design. Its impact and applications are becoming ever more transformative, and its potential to offer meaningful change in society is almost limitless.